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Ultimi prenotazione Feb 04, 2020
Lagoon View Apartments Lagoon View Apartments
3 Chiavi

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Katelios belongs to the municipality of Eliou Pronnon. Village near Katelios are Valeriano, Hionata and Mavrata. It is a beautiful village which can be found by the visitor on the route from Argostoli to Skala. It is traditionally a fishing village, and in the past it was from here that transport of both goods and people to Zakynthos and the Greek mainland used to leave.The beautiful Katelios beach is one of the main attractions for tourists. In recent years the region has been developed making it more appeling place for tourists and with the construction of the marina is hoping to attract a different kind of tourism.


C\è 1 hotel in this località.
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Hotel Alcyone 3 Stelle

26112 Visite • Indirizzo: Κατελειός, Katelios (Mappa Area)

L\\\'Hotel Alkioni è un bellissimo villaggio Katelios 15 dal porto di Poros di Cefalonia.

L\\\'hotel Alcyone in questo ambiente accogliente offre servizi di accoglienza con servizi di alta invernale ed estivo. 
Il giardino di 3000 metri quadrati piscina di nuoto, grande caffè sotto il pergolato, si combinano con la natura circostante, di una condizione ideale per una vacanza di pace e tranquillità.

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